
Jan 29, 2011

The fever is over

Hello all, I thought I would try to write a lil here today even though I am still not up to doing much yet. I am no longer running a fever, however when I tried to get up and get going this morning I didn't get far before realizing that full recovery may be a few days in coming. Not a good feeling, but what can I do other than get the rest needed to accomplish the task.
I am hoping I can find the energy to make a trip into town tomorrow, there are a few things I need to get and it looks like we may well be in the grip of both a lot of snow and possibly a pretty bad ice storm. we are right on the line on the maps but of course the whole thing could veer one way or another and make it something else, however it looks as if the first part of the week will lead to a few days of being isolated.
So I will get done what needs to be done and then we can sit back and watch whatever comes our way. I wish I didn't have to go anywhere but it seems we have to have certain things around here, like dish soap and toliet
Anyway, I reckon I will have plenty of time to catch up on blogging and find some interesting things for my son to do also, especially if we lose power, him without a video game is a serious problem! at least he does have one handheld that he can charge to the max the night before the weather is due so if we do lose power he will have it for  a while.
I hope all of you are staying healthy and warm, and those of you in this storms path are ready. until next time!

1 comment:

Cary Ann said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon. It is no fun being a sick mom..but do try to rest as much as you can. Take care, Cary Ann