
Mar 7, 2011

Moody Monday

Yup, I titled this moody Monday because I think that is the best descriptor for the day thus far. It is as if someone put "lets all act whiney and mean to each other" milk in their cereal this morning. Even the grandbabies are in on the act.
And grandma isn't amused.
So for now it's nap time, hopefully a long nap, and when they wake up they will all be in their "let's be good for grandma/mama" mood for the rest of the day.

It is still rather muddy outside, I am not looking forward to slogging thru it but it is time to grab a bag and walk around the yard at least and pick up all the wind-blown, flood-floated trash. Thankfully some of the muddiest places in the yard are trash free! I am going to get the kids all involved so I am sure there will be a mud clean up on the porch before we all go back in, but it will be good for them to start going outside again. We are expecting rain about every other day it looks like from the weather forcast so we will not be able to get much done outside, but we can get started. And another sorta outdoors project that I can get started on during nap times is to get the shed cleaned out and sorted. That along with the merciless sorting of the house should result in a rather large pile of bags for the local goodwill and some boxes of stuff for a yard sale too!
I have decided that this year's spring cleaning will be very different, no more will we hang onto the "well maybe I fit into this again sometime" clothes, or the wow, this might be useful someday stuff, if it has no place in the house, no use today or this month, doesn't fit, is the wrong color, or has not been touched in the last 6 months (outside of pictures and files) it is gone. period.
I am tired of all the maybe someday junk cluttering up my house. It isn't that big of a place to begin with and full of clutter it is even smaller!! I am over having a lot of junk.

I am also teaching my son about recycling, I think he gets what we are going to do I am just not sure he is getting the big picture yet. I am sure it will also take a lot of close supervision to make sure things get put in the proper place, garbage=compost, paper=recycle box, plastic=recycle box, glass=recycle box, you get the idea. I am working on ways he can understand the big picture and thue why it matters what we each do about it.

I am also going to start the kids planting indoor seeds next week. This will be a fun and productive way to teach them about growing food and other helpful, pretty plants. The can watch as the seeds sprout, help transplant them into the garden, and then help with the weeding and care of the plants right on into harvesting their well cared for plantings!
They are almost as excited to get started as I am.

Well, looky there, if it isn't Mr. Sun! Nice to see him around, he has been on vacation for far too long. I hope the sun is shining in your area of the world...

Until next time~

Oh yea, I am working on redesigning my page so thats why it looks so bleak for now.....just in case you were wondering

1 comment:

Cary Ann said...

I have been in the get-rid-of-it mood too. i have a small house and the "stuff" just has to go. i wish you best of luck with your spring declutter project :) Hope it drys up there soon and the babies wake up in a better mood.Beleve me..we have those days at my house too.hope your Tuesday is much better :)