
Apr 2, 2011

Seeds, Dresses and Other Things

The day here in my little world has begun with bright, happy sunshine! It is always nice to see the sun, but is does seems to shine brighter in the early spring. Maybe it is that I am always so happy to see it’s return, maybe it is the tilt of the earths axis, don’t know and really don’t care either, I am just happy to wake to bright, happy sunshine!

Some of the seed I planted earlier are beginning to sprout but not many. The Cilantro is the first up followed by a Sage plant that is beginning to show it’s green although its not really “up” yet.

We have yet to see anything in the Chive box and if nothing happens this week I will replant it. The seed packet said 15-21 days to germination and this week is the third week.

 Later today my son and I are going to plant some catnip, basil and oregano. That will do it for the herbs and such that I am planting this year. I can’t wait until we can all plant outdoors!!

I am also very excited that it is almost time to place the hummingbird feeders [outside] this year. Last year I moved here in July and had one lone hummer that would fly up to my sliding glass door and look in, this year if he returns he will find a more welcoming place. I am planting a hummingbird wild flower mix all around the deck out front with the feeder hanging from the tree that grows through the deck (where the suet hangs in the winter) that way I can get a good close up view without frightening them too much.

In the sewing room I finished the first of what I am sure will be many sundresses for my youngest granddaughter, she made my heart sing when I tried it on her to take her picture in it because she said “ I wanna wear it forebber”.  As you can see below she looks very cute in it.

I can’t wait to get my hands on more material and patterns. I have already picked a couple out of the catalog for my son, one has shorts and long pants and the other has shorts, long pants, a short sleeved shirt and one with long sleeves. That should give me plenty to make for Bubba. All of the pants are elastic waisted too which is a plus since he still struggles some with buttons and zippers!

He is progressing well in his schooling also. I love it when he reads, although I am having a very hard time trying to convince him to sound words out. He would much rather me just tell him the word and a lot of times he does remember it, but he needs to learn to sound words out and he just gets mad and stops working when he is asked. He was for a while banging his head on the desk and walls again, but that has stopped for now and instead he is getting aggressive again which is not good at all. I am so afraid he will wind up back in a residential hospital (he has had three major admissions all for nearly a year in length). He was, for the last couple of months, doing very well at coping with his frustrations and not acting out with rage that I was beginning to think this time we found a treatment routine that was working, now I am not so sure.
He is still learning at a second grade level but I think we will start on some third grade stuff this summer. I continue to have high hopes for him and will do everything I can to make sure he can live as independently and normally as possible.

And now, since Mr. Sun has risen high in the sky and warmed things up a little I think it is time to go out and work on some yard chores and maybe even turn some dirt over where I am going to plant my wildflowers!!

Until next time


Cary Ann said...

I love the dress! I might need to fina [attern and make some for my girls. Was it very hard to make? I get in a rut where I do not know what to write as well. I am TERRIFIED of sotrms but strangely I like reading about them and seeing pictures so can not wait to see what you put on your severe weather post and what you see what all you write. I like the ideas of your post and the things you want to share. My five year old is going to have problems with her speech too...I can already tell. I keep wondering if I should wait it out or go ahead and be finding a speech therapist to start working with her. There are just some parts of homeschooling that I am just clueless about. I am sure all will work out well with your son and am glad he is doing well in his studies. I hope you have a wonderful week there.

~Deb~ said...

Cary Ann, thanks for your comment, the dress was one of the simplest things I have ever made. It is a "pillowcase dress" I made it in one afternoon and then when my granddaughter came of measured the length and added the rick rack. As far as being clueless, don't feel alone there!! I still wonder sometime how to do the best things for my boy. and If you think your daughter has a speech problem I would go ahead and try to find speech therapy now, the sooner the better on things like that. I hope you have a wonderful week also...

Penny said...

Nice job and sweet grandbaby!
My sister makes what we call "lamp shade" skirts for the young ladies in our life. She was making lamp shades and realized with a few changes they could also become skirts. lol While simple in design they can look like more depending on how you embellish them.