the tomatos are looking very good, I have a few different varieties some red some yellow, I will know better after this season which ones I want to grow again. I took the stakes out yesterday and will be staking a few of them that are leaning. you can also see the peppers, green, orange and yellow that are doing okay, there are buds everywhere. Then we move on to the cucumbers, some of them didn't come up so I planted some more seeds last week.
as you can see here only about six cucumber plants came up, but most of the whole row of bush beans came up, yay!! Like I said I did replant some seed so hopefuly more will come up, and even if it doesn't sprout, the six that did come up should produce enough cucumbers for my needs. Now we move onto the sad part of my garden......
Only 5 corn stalks came up and just a few squash, like the cuces the squash will wind up producing enough but the corn is my biggest disappointment! I did plant some more seeds but have for the most part given up on this end of the garden. (I suppose youcan see that)
I have also been pretty busy on other projects, including my book, I have written a few more chapters and am trying not to think about editing at the present time. I also have been working on ways to make a lil income from the house. Sadly with my son being disabled I can't work outside the home and our truck has decided to die a horrible death so I am pretty much stuck for the moment. I am trying to think of ways to generate an income from here and I am sure something will come along, it always seems to work out so I try not to worry to much about things.
Sooo.....what have you been working on? Do you have any ideas on income generation from home? Let me know what you have been doing, and I will try to be more regular about posting.
Until next time, Deb~
I am never good with cucumbers for some I never plant them. I hope you get a good crop this year from your plants. You never know about the might just decide to pop right up when you least expect it. I could not begin to think of how to generate income from your home. Maybe you could babysit or something. I hope you can get your truck fixed. Do you have a man relative nearby that can help you fix it? Hope you have a wonderful weekend with you son.
Many blessings,
Cary Ann
This is my first year at 'gardening' we will see how that goes, I will post on my blog soon. Everything I planted is up, so that's a good sign.
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