The most fun and excitement of the week came when the local volunteer fire department came out to fill my son's pool. I decided to have it filled due to our well water being very hard and quite brownish looking even after chemicals and time (in the neighbors pool) so I called the local fire department and asked if they filled pools and found that indeed they would (for a fee of course) When they came out my son was pretty excited, and rushed out to the tanker and asked if he could help.
One of the firemen who came out said sure and proceeded to show him how to throw the hose to unroll it:
Unrolling the hose
Then once they got the hose unrolled one of the firemen held the end of the hose, while Bubba held it behind him, then the other fireman operated the pump and turned on the water to fill the pool;
Getting ready for the water...
Every boy's dream, to be a fireman...
Of course it wasn't long before all the excitement spread and the little fella that visits nearby had to come see what was going on, he got to help to!
the boys had a blast
It didn't take long to fill the pool, and the tanker held just enough at 2100 gal. Plus the firemen filled the tanker that morning so the water was already up to about 75 degrees! It was fun for all I think, the excitement of the boys spreading to all around. After the pool was full, the firemen showed Bubba how to roll the hose back up properly to put back on the truck;
this is how you roll it up....
A little more work than unrolling...
but in no time the job is done!
after the hose was back on the truck it was time for the firemen to leave, the boys, especialy my son, had a very exciting hour that will produce memories to last a lifetime, so a I want to mention a huge THANKS to the Albany, Indiana Volunteer Fire Department! They didn't have to do the things they did with the boys, but they did, and in doing so made one very special little fella a very happy kid (with a pretty happy Momma too).
Then later in the week, I found a old pickup in my price range, (not the one in the picture, mine is red) so we aren't transportaionless anymore! I have had lots of help for the last few months in that regard (the one in the picture! lol) and am glad now to be able to accomplish this task. It is an old truck, but it runs good. I don't need a beautiful truck, just a functional one, a work truck. One that can haul what we need hauled.
My project for the weekend is to build a sandbox for my son and my granddaughters to play in. I am going to get some 2x12's and a sheet of OSB board, a couple of hinges and a hook type clasp to hold it open and just build the frame on the ground and use the sheet of wood for the lid, luckily there is a quarry about 2 or 3 miles away where I can go and get a load of sand for them and I think it will wind up costing about as much as one of those tiny green turtles they sell at the big stores as sand boxes, but this one will have tons more room for the kids to play. My son is also requesting tonka type trucks for the sand box so he can build roads and places for his army men to play! I am sure the girls will have other interests!
Well, friends, what started out as a quick post while the kids were napping has turned out to be very long. I hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend, be careful and enjoy the festivities!
Until next time, Deb~
Oh that made my eyes well up with water :) Super sweet of those firemen!! I can only imagine the excitement at your house during all that fun :) So glad you got another truck. One needs some sort of transportation..if only for emergencies. I think your sand box is gonna turn out great. When my son was little we got him a turtle and that thing wasn't big enough for nothing. I wish we had just made him one too instead of wasting money on that thing. Hope you have a great 4th of July and enjoy that great pool!
Many Blessings,
Cary Ann
Thanks Cary Ann, the boys did have a wonderful time, and I admit it was kinda fun watching their smiles and excitement, well worth the cost of the fill believe me! And yes, I too bought one of the tiny turtles years ago when Bubba was small, I didn't like the size of it then and now that he is so big and I have the grandkids too I had to think of something! I think they will get tons more enjoyment out of a 4x8 sandbox so it's a done deal!
Have a super weekend!
Deb, that looks like some nice summer time days spent in that pool! I enjoyed my son's pool as much as he did.
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