Today I decided to begin a blog to journal my way through the coming changes that are going to lead both my young son and I into a simpler lifestyle. By simple I mean a more basic lifestyle, uncluttered by the social norms that have led us all down the path to self-destrution far better than at anytime in our collective human history.
For the past several months I have been researhing and discovering ways to make us more self reliant. Such as in planning a garden to supply a lot of our vegtables and a small herb garden for seasonings and medicinal purposes. By doing this we are able to enjoy food that is healthier than what we can get at the store and we are not concerned with worry over which chemicals are in our food, or what may have been contaminated at a faceless factory set up that takes the connection to the food supply away for most folks.
We are also learning about keeping chickens, both for eggs and for meat. I am sure the first attempt at butchering our own meat will not be pleasent for me but I am determined to learn and to enjoy having our own fresh chicken on the table, knowing the bird had a good life and knowing what it ate and such.
There is going to be a lot of work ahead, it is easy to sit here and read about doing these things. I am hopefull that when the doing happens it will benefit me in ways more than just putting cleaner, fresher food on the table. I will benefit from the connectedness of working the land and raising the chickens and I can teach my boy how to be responsible for the same. He has enough challenges in life to deal with, learning how to take care of himself the best he can and see the outcome of his labor should be very educational and satisfying.
So come with me on my journey and let us learn some new (old) things together.
1 comment:
Deb, I love hearing that more and more people are looking for a simpler, more sustainable way of life, even if it just means planting a few vegetables. Best of luck to you, and I look forward to reading about your adventures.
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