
Jan 10, 2011

Making Bread

Started today off on a rather sour note as we encountered a few problems that had to be worked out, got that done and while my son napped on the couch I made a simple bread dough that is currently rising in the kitchen. I love the smell of fresh yeast bread so later on the house should smell wonderful. I am making the usual 2 loaves of which I always give away one, this time I think to my friend Ray and his wife who have been immeasurable help since I moved back out here where I am.
I make a simple bread dough out of yeast, flour, olive oil, honey and sea salt that tastes wonderful and is dense enough to hold up to a good sandwich. I will probably make more on Wednesday and then continue every day or two so that we have a fresh supply of good bread without having to run in town and get store bought, chemically preserved bread.
My friend down the road, Martha has been making an egg run every few weeks to the farmers to get fresh eggs but we had all gotten a little slow using them of late and so this weeks run is postponed until next week. That is not a big issue, just more of a bother really but it makes me glad that the plans for my son and I include a few chickens, then we won’t have to depend on others to have a fresh supply of our own.
It seems the more I read about others living simply the more I look forward to the major changes in our lives. Knowing that we are providing for ourselves as much as we can is a feeling that you just can’t buy in the store.
It’s like eating the fresh baked bread out of our own oven, sure it took a little effort to make it, but in the end it smells, looks and tastes better than we could get elsewhere and the nutritional value is greater the more I switch to natural ingredients (like honey instead of sugar, and olive oil instead of vegetable oil)
So time for a winters afternoon nap, then punch down the dough and put in pans to rise again, and make the noodles for tonight’s chicken noodle soup. It is a good time for soup, it is cold and snowy outside and we are expecting a new snow storm to begin late tonight so homemade chicken noodle soup and fresh bread sounds like a winner to me.
I hope all of you are keeping warm and enjoying the day.
Till next time….


Cary Ann said...

Hello Deb. Thank you for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed reading yours. I love the smell of fresh bread too. I cheat and use a bread machine though...LOL. I liked your post on those olive oil lamps and am gonna go check that out. Have you made yours yet? I hope you are able to get chickens. They are SOO easy to care for and you'll just love them and your son really will! I have a 8 year old and he loves his chickens. If I can be of any help with anything just ask me and I'll do my best to help.

~Deb~ said...

Thanks Cary Ann I appreciate your comment and your offer. My son is 11 and he is looking forward to getting some chickens come spring.
As for the lamps, no I haven't made one yet however there isn't much else to do right now, we got about 6 inches of new snow today so I am putting it on the to do list for tomorrow I will post pics as to how it comes out!

Donna said...

I just came across your blog and really enjoyed reading about all your plans. I think it is very important for us all to get back to the simple things in life. We bake our own bread, raise a garden. I pray you have success in your adventure. I can tell you are looking forward to the challenge. Come visit me at God bless.

~Deb~ said...

I am glad you enjoyed reading my blog Donna. I do have a lot of plans for "getting back to simple living" and of course although it may be simple that doesn't mean it will always be easy. I am looking forward to the challenge and to teaching my son how to be a more responsible person in life, to think about things and not just follow the crowd to convience and comfort but to provide his own.
Thanks for your comment, I will be checking your site soon.