
Mar 27, 2011

Hello blog friends, I know, I haven't been around for a while. Well, really I have been around, I admit it. I have read other blogs a few times and commented on a few but tho' I thought about blogging not only was I going thru a smidgen of writers block, I just couldn't make my fingers hit the keyboard....

What my fingers have been busy with of late is patterns and material and thread and the like. I took my son and for spring break we went for a few days visit to see my mother and sister who live about and hour and a half away. It was nice to get away from things for a couple of days, but my son and I are glad to be back home.

 Anyway, back to my story. While we were there my mother bought me an early birthday gift (my birthday is next month)....a new sewing machine! I am so excited. I haven't sewn in years and I am thrilled to be able to start making things again. So when we returned home it was off to the fabric store and wally-world to gather the needed accessories. (good scissors, pins, pin cushion etc.) I got a pattern for a simple sundress for my granddaughters, and one that I can make pants and shorts for my son from. I must admit tho' I was in complete sticker shock at the prices of material these days!!

So today was the day for me to actually sit down and start to sew again. It has been quite a few years since I have been able to sew and I found myself with a seam ripper in my hands a lot. I have learned now that I need to contain my excitement a little and slow down, and things will be much easier. Oh, and I wound up not starting with either pattern today, I made myself a caftan out of some material that I had been saving for just that and I used one I already have for the pattern, so I spent most of the day just creating the pattern.

I did get started however and tomorrow all I have left to do is sew the sides and the hem and it will be complete. I will post a pic when it is finished. Next I think I will make Bubba some pants. They are elastic waisted, since he still has trouble trying to fasten buttons and zippers. He has finally mastered most snaps except the really big, tight ones. The pants are really easy to make and he will love picking out the material he wants me to use. Although I have to watch out, he fell in love with fleece this winter and almost insists in wearing the fleece pants he has 24/7!! In fact when we were fabric shopping he asked if I would get some fleece and make his pants with that and he was disappointed when I told him his fleece would be going into the winter clothes bag soon!

Sooo, I have been busy with lots of things just not really blogging. And the couple of days that I sat down to post something and then couldn't get my thoughts together was frustrating. I haven't dealt with that issue for a while. And I don't like it very much at all. what do you do when you can't figure out what to write?

Oh and lastly the Cilantro that I planted in the window box is sprouting! Only 2 sprouts so far but it is nice to be growing things again!

Okay, I feel better now, I have written my post and gotten you all caught up with things in my neck of the woods and now I think I will go read a book for a while, until next time....stay safe!


Muffy's Marks said...

Welcome to the world of sewing for granddaughters. Here are a couple of tricks: I make a lot of pj's and nightgowns. To save costs, I shop resale and rummage sales for sheets. They make the best nightgowns and jammas. A few times I found a sheet that even worked for summer dresses. Another Idea: those fleece lap blankets, also found really cheep at rummage sales work excellent for winter jammas. Good luck. I'm working on 3 sun dresses at the same time. I will post pictures when I'm finished.

~Deb~ said...

Thanks so much for the tips! I will put them to good use as I like to shop the goodwill store and other thrift stores in my area. My neighbor stopped by a little while ago, she has a daughter the same age and size as one of my granddaughters and she wants one for her little girl as well so it looks like I will indeed be busy for a while!

Cary Ann said...

I was thinking what the first comment said...I see fabric at thrift stores often too. Fabric is so high. I love pretty fabric and have tons of it and yet... I'm not a very good sewer. I have been wanting to make me some aprons and just have not got my courage up yet. I can't wait to see all the projects your making :) Hope you have a great day