
Jun 19, 2011

A Question

Just a short post this morning to vent a lil frustration, I can't comment on blogs I follow or others because no matter how many times I log on it says I must be logged on to comment!?! Or it puts an anonymous heading on my comment!?! Do any others have this problem? Or know how to solve it??

So, until I get this figured out.....
@Cary Ann.. I am so happy to see that you are able to post again, I have missed the happenings around your place, hope your garden is getting some water and the chicks are doing well....

@Kalupe... I wish I had the kind of place you write about, it is such an inspiration to me to know that others are living the kind of life I am working towards.

@Leigh... I hope someday I will be able to purchase a couple of goats, I am enjoying reading about yours and learning a few tips and problems along the way...I do believe I am going to have to think about the whole horns or no horns issue as I am not sure which way I want to go, I am much more a "natural" leaning person, yet with no purpose on domestic goats and so many issues with them getting caught with them or hurting others both animal and human............. it is something to think about

@Muffy... I agree about the laundry its just not the same as doing things at home, however it does give you the opportunity to block time for doing your internet chores. lol

To all of my other readers and blog friends I haven't mentioned, I hope you are having a wonderful summer, and I hope I get my sign on issues figured out soon! Sorry if I missed anyone....

Until next time, Deb~


Cary Ann said...

I had this happen to me a few weeks ago. I am not for sure how I fixed it but...this is what I did. I went to my dahsboard and at the top it will say sign out. I signed out and closed out completely. And then I logged back on. Do not check the "stayed sign in". Just sign in. Everytime you want to go to your dashboard you have to sign in each time, of course, but if you don't it won't let you post comments. Am I confusing you with all this?I am not sure I am explaining it very well. Let me know if you have any questions.
Cary Ann

Jodi said...

I've been having this happen as well. Seems to have improved somewhat, but is still an issue. Blogger - get your act together. Please!

~Deb~ said...

Thanks so much Cary Ann, that does seem to work, although it is a pain to have to sign in each time instead of staying signed in...
I hope Blogger gets that fixed soon, but until then at least now I can comment again on my favorite blogs!

Muffy's Marks said...

I had the same problem, but did what Carrie said, and it worked, try it. I hope it works for you too. I miss hearing from you.