
Jul 13, 2011

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Hello readers! I hope your day is as beautiful as mine. We here in the Ohio Valley have been suffering along with millions of others the past few days with very hot temperatures and really high humidity to go alone with it. UGH!

Although while I am toasty warm in my home on a frigid winters night wishing for summer to come early, I think that is what I want, here we are in the more than toasty summer time and I am hoping for a cool-down.

Not that I want it to snow or anything, that would not be good. I would just like temps like we have today... (80) along with low humidity and a sunny breeze....all. year. long.

How's that for todays rant? haha, really I am enjoying the beautiful day we have today. It's not as hot and the humidity is a lil lower so I am much more comfortable. So on to other news.

In the garden yesterday I picked a huge bowl (the one I make cookie dough in) full of green beans! (when I took the pictures I just took pics of the tops of the plant, silly me, when I looked under the leaves I found gads of beans just waiting to be found and harvested.) I also found 6 nice sized cucumbers to go alone with the beans.

First harvest! YuMmY! I put the beans (after snapping the ends off and breaking them in two) into my crock pot along with about 1/2 lb. bacon, and a little water and set it on low, put the lid on and walked away for about 4 hours. Then when it started to smell really good I cut up some med. red taters into chunks and peeled and cut a good sized turnip and placed them in with the beans, of course I had to taste test them and they were wonderful, not quite done yet but very good! I let the whole mess cook for another couple of hours and wow! I have not had green beans that good in a long time! (truth be told probably not since my last garden).

I know that food is best just after being picked, even meat is best just after it is processed, and I don't mean by a commercial processor either. I love the taste of fresh fruits and veggies. I used to drive a truck pulling a refriderated trailer (reefer) cross country with produce and I loved to buy cases direct from the farmer, because they tasted and looked sooo much better than what I could get at my grocery. I know first hand how long it takes to get foods grown in California to the east coast, and how long they sit at the distribution center, how long they travel to the local grocery and then how long they sit there before being bought! If you figure up all the transit time and sitting time for produce it is no wonder people have forgotten what "real" food tastes like. The grower in California is only worried about growing modified foods that will travel and sit well so they arrive at the grocery where you shop looking like they came from the farm but having not worried at all about the taste, that has been modified right out of it!

I also made my own twisted version of cucumber kimchi by stripping some of the peel off of the cucumbers (they look striped when I am done) cutting off the ends, then dicing them into moderate sized chunks and stuffing them all into an old, washed and dried pickle jar, leaving just a small amount of room at the top to add a few more things.

 Then I cut up some green onion and toss them into the jar as well, add some roasted garlic and a dash of sugar and red pepper flakes to taste, then pour in about 1/4 cup of soy sauce. Place the lid tightly on the jar and shake it to stir the contents well. Place it into the fridge and try to leave it alone for a couple of days.

When it is ready the contents will have shrunk and your jar will only be about 2/3 full, but the flavor is out of this world. Crunchy, yet soft and a lil spicy. It is the ONLY spicy food I can eat. I have Crohns and most spicy food is not allowed because of what it does to me. For some reason the kimchi doesn't bother me and for that I am greatful.

I also am making a cucumber, onion and tomato salad for dinner tonight, sadly although I have gads of tomato's growing none of mine are ripe yet so the tomatos will have to come  from the farmers market, not my garden.

Other than taking care of the garden, and of course the house, not much is happening around here other than enjoying the day and trying to stay cool. I hope those of you still suffering in the blistering heat will catch a break soon, and everyone else I hope you're enjoying your day wherever you are!

Until next time,


Jodi said...

I love your garden posts. We're hoping to get a decent garden going next year, but I'm a total brown thumb, so... we'll see!

Leigh said...

Mmmm, your cucumber kimchi sounds yummy. I've got plenty of cukes, so I need to try this!

~Deb~ said...

Fire Wife - don't give up, I used to think of myself as a "brown-thumb" as well, but for some unknown reason for the last several years, I have done well with houseplants so I decided to try a garden again and I am more than pleased!

Leigh - you really must give them a try it is so wonderful, I learned it years ago from a friend and have given the recipe out countlesss times to friends after they have tasted it!

Cary Ann said...

So glad you got lots of green beans! And don't worry..those tomatoes will be turning red before you know it! Hope you are having a great week there.
Many Blessings,
Cary Ann