
Jul 5, 2011

Tree Frogs and Other Things

Good Morning World!

That is how I feel this morning, it is a bright, sunny beautiful morning where I am and the birds are singing and chirping, the crickets are making their noises along with tree frogs and the like, I don't know about where you live but out here in my yard, you can literally watch the grass jump with baby tree frogs. They are everywhere, the kiddies don't usually have to go far or look very hard to catch one for a minute to check it out.

They have been watching them grow for a few weeks now, first they were just teeny little baby frogs, not much bigger than say maybe a fingernail (and not a long one either), now they are about an inch long and 3/4 inch high. They are so cute!! I am sure they will be the source of many noisy nights to come!

It seems the only time it is truly quiet around here is the dead of winter, not many birds then, mostly woodpeckers, nuthatches and a couple of cardinals,... all the bugs and frogs are gone or sleeping thru the cold. .then it is really quiet at night.

 Now in the summer it is noisy 24 hours a day, what kinds of noises depends on which bug, bird or frog is awake. We like listening to them, my son and I. We try to figure out which direction and what animal or insect is making the loudest noises.

If you know how to listen, you can tell when rain or storms are coming too, the birds and bugs along with a few other signs from our animal friends will tell you. Most of them get really quiet when a storm is coming, even the birds seem to all find a place to go. And if they don't and they stay at the feeders and such during a rain shower, it usually means the rain will be around a while. I guess they figure if the rain is going to hang around they will just go on with their usual business.

Usual business, that brings me to blogging and writing, I believe I have the blogging regular thing figured out now, I need to post in the morning, before things get going and get busy around here. If I don't then most of the time I don't get back to the computer until late at night and by then I just don't feel like writing.

 One of my short term goals is to blog daily. Maybe nothing but a few lines and or a picture, but getting it done daily. I have found that when I blog it really gets me in the mood, so to speak, to write and I need to get better disiplined about writing if I ever want to get my book finished!

 I don't really know what the problem is, I have the outline written, I have a good idea how the story will progress but when I think about sitting down to write... well it's like sometimes my brain just refuses to think about it. I sit there staring at the story and I wind up going back over what I have already written and doing a little revising and editing but little additional writing.

I am hoping that by blogging more regular, that I will also write more for the book. I have also joined a writing "club" online at They have loads of advice for newbie writers (how can I be a newbie, I ask, when I have been writing all my life!), writing prompts to have fun with, as well as other peoples work to read and review. All things designed to help build strength and knowledge in writers. I see how others are just shooting out loads and loads of stuff out and have massive portfolio's and I wonder where they find the time to do it all. I love to write, but I do have to be in the proper mood, I guess to dig the stories out of my brain and get them on paper.....well okay, not paper yet just a computer screen.....but you know what I mean.

And speaking of writing, I think I have done enough for now, I don't want to get long and boring, it seems I have lost one follower :( and I don't want to lose anymore!! I was quite disappointed this morning when I logged on to find that I had lost that follower. I don't know really how I had 11 different people interested in what was happening in my little corner of the world but I did, and now I only have 10, so I hope that I don't run off anyone else! Haha, that includes you!!

I hope everyone is having a fun filled summer!
Until next time,


Jodi said...

Yay for froggies! At our new (to us) house we have lots of frogs and toads, including some tree frogs, which we only discovered because they were climbing our doors & windows! Can't wait till we are done with the renovations and have time to do more exploring to find critters & teach FireGirl about them!

* Crystal * said...

My kids would be in heaven with all those frogs!!! No frogs this year because of the drought, but last time we had frogs the kids caught a few tadpoles, raised them maturity & turned them loose in my mom's garden. They LOVED it!

Don't get discouraged about the follower...... I've lost 6 in my blogging career....One of which was a family member....which that is a bit odd as I started the blog for family to keep up with the goings on out here..

Another follower messaged me to inform me they would no longer be following as I bored them to tears, another left because she said my writing was offensive...

Can't please everyone, so write what you want :-)

I'll still follow ya!

~Deb~ said...

@Fire Wife; I am sure fire girl will love learning about the frogs, most kids can't past up frogs, and love chasing the little jumpers all around the yard. And yes they climb the house very well, last summer I had a very loose screen on one of my bedroom windows and woke up to find one in bed with me! *not funny*
@ Crystal; I know I can't please everyone, I don't even try most of the time, I just want to make my son and grandkids happy if I can and teach them a lil something now and again. I am still surprized that anyone wants to read about our little spot in the world, but thanks a bunch and I'll keep on following you as well.