
May 3, 2011

Chapter One Complete

Well, after reading a hundred times or so, (and I'm not kidding a bit either), and adding and editing I think I have the first chapter of something complete.

 I say the first chapter of something because I am almost afraid of the pressure and obligation of saying I am writing a book.

 I have written poetry and short stories a lot throughout my life although not anything recently. I like to think I am a pretty good writer although you really can't tell from most of the rambling posts on here. lol.

Anyway, I feel pretty good with the first chapter and I can't wait to find out where the story goes. Or for that matter what kind of story it turns out to be. I really have no idea.

It just started the other day, not the story but the process, with me cleaning out some old computer files and laughing over some stuff I had forgotten about. It is amazing after a couple of years to go back and look at stuff saved and forgotten about.

I came across an old file called decent story material. I remember a few years ago, I thought about writing but only scratched out what I thought were good ideas at the time and haven't looked at since. I also found one page of about 3 paragraphs that captured my attention when I read it. In fact when I first read it I thought someone else had written it! Then I remembered writing it a few years ago and when I read it one more time and thought about it for a few minutes the ideas just started flying and that hasn't happened for me like that in a really long time.

So I won't say I am writing a book, although I have always wanted to.I will just say I am writing chapters of a story that will be however long it turns out and maybe, just maybe someday I will write a book.

So how is your day going?
Until next time

1 comment:

katlupe said...

I am working on a book too. Mine started out as a fictional blog, as a diary. Now I am in the process of changing it from a diary to the story of all the characters. I love working on it and it is so weird how the story seems go off in different directions than I expected.