
May 8, 2011

Digging In the Garden

Hello blog friends, today has been a wonderful day to spend outside in the garden. Okay, really the garden-to-be area. I am removing sod by hand and so far it is exactly what you would think, back-breaking work! I am sore on top of sore and only got a few rows of sod off today! I am a little disappointed but, that's what it's all about for me, working. Working to get the garden ready for planting and working to get back into shape. I have let things go for too long really and of course now I am paying for it. Will I give up? Heck NO!

This kind of sore I like, I don't like the pains of aging, of disease or of inactivity. At least there is a GOOD reason for this pain .... it is the pain of accomplishment! I started the day off with my little man helping me but he all too soon tired and decided that the dirt was not something he was crazy about, I mean he is okay with the worms, heck he will even play with them but he is NOT crazy about bugs in general. He is now napping and I don't know if I am going to be able to convince him to help much with the rest and there is still a lot to do. I am sure once the hard stuff is done I will be able to get his help with the planting and harvesting and there is no doubt about the help with eating, he is an eating machine! (but what pre-teen boy isn't?)

Other than that there hasn't been much going on today. The weather has been great for a change, in the 70's and sunny as opposed to 50's and rainy! I will take it! So are you all able to get anything done in the garden yet?
Until next time

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