I have been away for a while I know, sorry blog friends, but see my internet connection is through the hotspot on my phone. (palm pre plus thru verizon) and my phone decided not to accept a charge anymore. (I was truely devastated) I took my phone in and found out that somehow the tiny pins that connect the charge port had gotten bent in. It was a funny yet sad moment in the verizon store when the guy asked me if I could see the difference between his charge port and mine and I had to laugh, see the difference? I asked him with a grin on my face "I can't see the darn port too good" ....now before you say anything I know I should have been wearing my glasses but about the only time I can convince myself to wear them is either driving at night or reading since I can do neither without so.
So anyway, back to the phone thingy. I had to wait for them to send me a replacement phone (the wait just about did me in I tell ya) and then get it activated and so on......
and finally ....ta da.... I am back.
To those affected by the unusually severe weather outbreak last week, know there are those of us who are praying for you.
Not a lot has been going on here except watching the rain just keep on coming. Luckily for me I do not live in a flood zone and unlike the storm back in February that flooded me due to frozen ground, since the rain has been steady it has been able to drain off and down to the little creek (lately a small river) and away. It has just been real soggy and muddy around here for days without end. YUCK. I am tired of it really and can't wait be able to get out and dig! Speaking of which, since the big garden this year is a new one here I had to call the "call before you dig" folks and get them out here to make sure I would not mess up any underground lines. They came out today in the rain and marked a couple of marks in the yard and told me I was good to go on the location of the garden and the trees I have planned for this spring.
In other news, things around here are quieter since the grandbabies are not here as much. They are now spending part of their week with their dad, since he is able to take them now. My daughter and him finally (a good thing) split but they are doing a good job so far with the girls.
I hope to be posting and reading more now, and boy am I glad to have the net and my phone back again.
Until next time
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