
May 16, 2011

Working In The Garden

I see the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds it has been hiding behind for the last couple of days, so I am planning to work in the garden today. It has been chilly and rainy and I am sure the ground is probably a lil on the wet side, but I can still start raking it and breaking up some of the bigger lumps left by the tilling and rain. I hope to plant either Wednesday or Thursday, under the "planting moon". I am going to wait and start my barrel of potato's under the new moon later this month.  I would plant the above ground stuff tomorrow but it is suppose to be another rainy, chilly day so I will wait one or two days for a lil more warmth, the moon will still be pretty full.

I also want to get my last window box set up today, I found a beautiful mint plant while shopping for plants last week and it is going on one end (I can't wait to try a fresh mojito) and I may try catnip on the other. (I am sure Chowder will approve). In the other two window boxes, the chives finally came up some and are doing okay, and the sage looks healthy, I will need to thin it soon. But my cilantro just doesn't seem to be fairing as well, it seems to get so big and then fall over like the plant isn't strong enough to support it's own growth rate. I am not sure what to do about that, after the first few fell over and perished I planted more so we will see.

So it is to be a Monday of cleaning, working in the garden to prepare the soil for planting and taking care of houseplants. I will try to get some pictures of all the plants for posting later this week.
Until next time,


katlupe said...

Deb, I think we are in for a rainy summer. We had a lot of snow this winter and so far plenty of rain. So it seems to me a wet year all around. Trying to plant my garden this week anyway, between raindrops!

Lori said...

I'm stopping by from Katlupe's suggestion to visit your blog. Glad I did, I'm your newest follower. I'll stop by again to see the pictures of your plants. Have fun gardening.

Muffy's Marks said...

I enjoy reading about your start in gardening. This is my first year of planting a garden. I'm starting small a 4x8 raised bed. I really can't get started until June 1, as we are still getting hard frosts at night. I am hoping for a long growing season. Good luck with your veggies!!!

~Deb~ said...

Katlupe, I think you are right on about the rain, it has been so very wet! Also I want to say thanks for the suggestion about my page.
Lori, hi and welcome, nice to "meet" you, I hope you find things of interest and or humor here.
Muffy, I hope you have a wonderful garden! My son is talking about trying a raised bed next spring, he wants to plant strawberries so let me know how yours works out!